‘LD’ Blog Posts
Best Special Needs Websites
November 12th, 2024 2024-11-14T12:07:26-08:00 2024-11-12T17:19:54-08:00Best Special Needs Reading and Learning Skills Websites: When you are looking for ways to help your special needs child improve their learning skills, especially their reading skills, you want to find the best, the most knowledgeable website and you want to do that as quickly as possible. What if you are searching to find […]
4 Easy Activities to Improve Reading Skills (Part 1)
November 29th, 2016 2019-12-04T12:05:52-08:00 2016-11-29T12:00:55-08:00There are 4 easy activities to improve reading skills that take just a few minutes a day to improve reading. Reading drills to improve reading fluency in 5 minutes a day. Improve spelling and learn the 8 different spelling patterns we use to make words. Improve reading comprehension by playing a reading comprehension game.
Learning Challenged? Dyslexia? ADHD Kids? Help for Parents Is Here
January 20th, 2016 2018-12-12T16:22:52-08:00 2016-01-20T23:12:00-08:00Learning Challenged? Dyslexia? ADHD? Autism?
So many of our children are struggling in school. School work is hard, homework is hard. The arguments about homework seem to be never ending!
You just know that you want it to stop. You want learning to be easier for you son or your daughter. You may even know that 6 out of every 30 kids (average class size) has some sort of learning problem. The knowing of that is good, realizing you are NOT alone, but that doesn’t help to end the struggles.
Reading Help Is More Than Reading Comprehension
March 25th, 2015 2016-03-22T08:39:33-07:00 2015-03-25T22:43:34-07:00You know your child is bright but you still have homework struggles. It seems like the struggles will never go away. There are a few things to check into when your child is struggling with reading. You need to become the detective. Their reading problems are typically due to more than reading comprehension problems. In fact, they can be due to one or more of the following reasons.
A Brain Base Learning Approach: The Visual Processing System
January 23rd, 2015 2015-03-07T22:31:58-08:00 2015-01-23T01:44:55-08:00Visual processing is one of the key areas involved with learning. Once you understand more about the visual processing system and what you can do to improve visual processing, learning becomes easier.
Learning Disability or Learning Problem?
October 2nd, 2011 2016-06-10T19:35:06-07:00 2011-10-02T15:45:08-07:00Does My Child Have a Learning Disability or Learning Problem? Bonnie Terry, recognized as America’s Leading Learning Specialist, explains the difference between a learning problem and a learning disability and then gives you several steps you can take to help your child improve their skills in just minutes a day on the FOX News Morning […]
Improve Learning Reading, Writing, Spelling, and Math Skills
October 28th, 2010 2010-10-28T13:01:01-07:00 2010-10-28T13:01:01-07:00“FACT – It’s Not Too Late… Give Your Child A 2 To 4 Year Advantage in Learning Reading, Writing and Math In Just 20 Minutes A Day!” Does your child struggle with learning reading, writing, spelling, or math? Do they have reading comprehension problems? Do they understand their homework? Do they do their homework with […]
Help for LD, Dyslexic, ADHD Students with Reading Skills, Writing Skills, and Spelling Skills
July 19th, 2010 2010-07-19T12:40:42-07:00 2010-07-19T12:40:42-07:00Parents want to help their kids improve their skills. That is a given as far as I’m concerned. All parents want the best for their children and when learning reading, writing, or spelling is hard they often don’t know where to turn. Parents often spend a small fortune seeking the help they need for their […]
Mid Summer Training – What You Can Do to Prepare Your Kids for School
July 9th, 2010 2016-02-25T00:47:22-08:00 2010-07-09T15:13:54-07:00Mid Summer Training – What You Can Do to Prepare Your Kids for School I Can Hardly Believe It? Check it out… The FREE Live Teleseminar is filling up fast – Only 100 68 52 Spots left! Reserve your spot now. Mid-Summer Training Call I have had so many calls from parents recently, wondering how […]
Searching for Mid-Summer Activities to Improve Your Child’s Learning Skills and Still Have Fun?
July 8th, 2010 2016-02-25T00:47:22-08:00 2010-07-08T19:29:15-07:00It’s the almost middle of Summer Vacation and as you know, it is the perfect time to give your child a boost in their learning skills, but you still want to have fun… Join Bonnie Terry’s call and find out what you can do in just 20 minutes a day to boost your child’s reading, […]
How do I Motivate My Child?
June 14th, 2010 2010-06-14T18:54:04-07:00 2010-06-14T18:54:04-07:00Hi, Bonnie. We spoke on the phone when I ordered your materials, which I’ve since received. Thanks very much! You mentioned at the time that you are open to questions as I began using the materials–and, of course, I now have those questions! -My son will be entering 3rd grade. His 2nd grade teacher noted […]
6 Must-do Learning Games & Activities For the Summer
June 3rd, 2010 2010-06-03T16:48:26-07:00 2010-06-03T16:48:26-07:00Can you do your own summer learning program? Should you do your own summer learning program? Fact: More than half of the achievement gap present in 9th grade between lower- and higher-income children can be explained by summer learning loss. Make Learning Stick with learning games and reading fluency training over the summer. There are […]
How to Help Your Child Improve Their Reading, Writing, & Math Skills in 20 Minutes a Day
March 10th, 2010 2010-03-10T18:33:55-08:00 2010-03-10T18:33:55-08:00I have had such an overwhelming response from last night’s call; I am truly humbled. “We’ve already done some of the exercises you told us about. My kids thought they were fun! I just wish we had found you before we had spent thousands of dollars.” Kathy G “I like that I can use this for all of […]
Poetry Writing Through the Colors: The Sentence Zone
February 9th, 2010 2018-10-22T23:25:07-07:00 2010-02-09T17:54:37-08:00Our kids often get assignments where they have to write a poem, and they often struggle with it. Poetry writing is not always the easiest thing to do, especially when you have LD, dyslexia, or ADHD. Even gifted kids can struggle with poetry writing. It doesn’t matter if you are homeschooling or in a public […]
Should We Do a 504 Plan for Our Son?
February 4th, 2010 2016-02-25T00:47:12-08:00 2010-02-04T10:52:07-08:00Hi Bonnie, We spoke with the principal at my son’s school this morning. The talk went well and he seemed very concerned about our son. But, the bottom line is, the school is reluctant to give my son 504 because it will stick with him for life (though they offered today if we really really […]
SAT Prep with Grammar Game The Sentence Zone
January 30th, 2010 2016-10-30T06:26:57-07:00 2010-01-30T17:37:56-08:00How to Improve Reading and Memory Skills and Still Have Fun
January 7th, 2010 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2010-01-07T19:44:54-08:00What can you do during the winter weather to help your kids improve their skills? This question is a frequent one for me. Parents are always interested in helping their kids, but it is sometimes hard to stay motivated, especially during the winter months. The following activities work well with all kids, whether they have […]
Does My Child Have Dyslexia?
December 16th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:04-08:00 2009-12-16T19:11:46-08:00So many parents ask me that question. I get that question from parents that homeschool as well as those that don’t. Sometimes I even get that question from parents of gifted children. Yes, even gifted children can and often do have areas of perception that aren’t working as efficiently as they should and could and […]
Reading Help & Phonics Help for Older Students
November 18th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:27:18-08:00 2009-11-18T18:13:27-08:00Hi there, I recently found you on the web and just watching your vids, I’m VERY interested. To wit: I’m homeschooling my 16 year old nephew who has been diagnosed ADHD and dyslexic. With the phonics reading materials I’ve found on the net and at my local library, I can only find elementary school age […]
Writing Problems, Dysgraphia, and Learning Writing Skills
November 11th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:27:17-08:00 2009-11-11T13:47:43-08:00This comment was just left by trexpaddock after viewing the following video. I wanted to go into more detail for you on this post. It is difficult to tell if you don’t understand learning disabilities well, or are just ‘dumbing down’ the material to the point it becomes confused. Hi Trexpaddock, I do try to […]
B & D Reversals Are Causing Spelling Problems – What Do I Do?
October 29th, 2009 2009-10-29T13:29:47-07:00 2009-10-29T13:29:47-07:00Ashlea S. writes: We have a 7 year old who is in second grade and is having a difficulty spelling. Her spelling used to be great and she didn’t have a problem with it until this year. She wants to write her b’s as d’s and her d’s as b’s. It’s become very difficult to […]
Reading Help – Reading & Listening Comprehension: Comprehension Zone Review
October 20th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-10-20T11:08:40-07:00Bonnie Terry Learning – Review of The Comprehension Zone: Rocket Rap This review is difficult for me to write because this product had such a dramatic and positive effect for one of our children. It has been an answer to prayer, a break-through for our child who has struggled with auditory comprehension for years. I am […]
Math Game Reduces Math Phobia
October 6th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:47:41-08:00 2009-10-06T13:17:35-07:00Parents often ask me what they can do to help their kids improve their math skills. One of the most important things to do when trying to improve any skills, whether they are math skills, reading skills, or writing skills is to help your kids dissolve their fear of math, reading, or writing. This is […]
Tips for a Successful IEP Meeting
October 3rd, 2009 2015-01-23T23:16:10-08:00 2009-10-03T12:52:30-07:00I just came across this article on preparing for an IEP and wanted to share it with you. Learn what to do before, during and after an IEP meeting. By GreatSchools Staff As a parent, do you approach IEP meetings with fear and dread? If so, here are some suggestions to help you feel more at […]
Is There a Way to Help Your Child Improve Their Skills?
September 25th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:03-08:00 2009-09-25T13:07:36-07:00Do you wonder if there is a way to help your child improve their reading skills? Listen to what Sara Hathaway had to say about the difference Bonnie Terry’s Products made with her son. Hope this is helpful. Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET