‘Tutoring’ Blog Posts

11 Auditory Processing Activities You Can Do Without Spending a Dime!
December 4th, 2017 2020-04-23T11:49:05-07:00 2017-12-04T11:10:21-08:00Auditory processing is a critical component to reading success. We work on a variety of auditory processing areas every time we do activities from the Reading Pack: Five Minutes to Better Reading Skills, Making Spelling Sense, Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills, and The Comprehension Zone. For example, The Comprehension Zone is a game where we play for both auditory memory, auditory comprehension, and reading comprehension. Making Spelling Sense is where we work on auditory discrimination, auditory closure, and auditory memory.
Poetry Writing Through the Colors: The Sentence Zone
February 9th, 2010 2018-10-22T23:25:07-07:00 2010-02-09T17:54:37-08:00Our kids often get assignments where they have to write a poem, and they often struggle with it. Poetry writing is not always the easiest thing to do, especially when you have LD, dyslexia, or ADHD. Even gifted kids can struggle with poetry writing. It doesn’t matter if you are homeschooling or in a public […]
Learn Spelling – Teach Spelling With the Spelling Patterns
January 19th, 2010 2019-01-11T11:48:16-08:00 2010-01-19T13:13:56-08:00Need help with spelling? Teaching spelling or learning how to spell doesn’t have to be daunting even if you have a learning disability, dyslexia, or are even gifted. And, yes, even gifted kids sometimes struggle with spelling. Spelling problems are typically due to areas of auditory processing that aren’t working as effeciently as they should […]
Math Game Reduces Math Phobia
October 6th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:47:41-08:00 2009-10-06T13:17:35-07:00Parents often ask me what they can do to help their kids improve their math skills. One of the most important things to do when trying to improve any skills, whether they are math skills, reading skills, or writing skills is to help your kids dissolve their fear of math, reading, or writing. This is […]
Is There a Way to Help Your Child Improve Their Skills?
September 25th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:03-08:00 2009-09-25T13:07:36-07:00Do you wonder if there is a way to help your child improve their reading skills? Listen to what Sara Hathaway had to say about the difference Bonnie Terry’s Products made with her son. Hope this is helpful. Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET
Dyslexic, LD, ADHD, & Gifted Kids Improve Comprehension Skills By Game Playing
September 24th, 2009 2023-04-19T12:44:38-07:00 2009-09-24T16:04:19-07:00Is a Language Disability Considered a Learning Disability?
August 14th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:46:00-08:00 2009-08-14T20:28:16-07:00A parent recently wrote in: Is a language disability considered a learning disability? My son has problems with both expressive and receptive language. He has a big difference between his visual and verbal scores on his test. That turned his language delay into a disability. There was a very large difference between the two. He […]
Teaching Reading: The Short Vowels to Dyslexics, ADHD, & Homeschooling Kids
August 3rd, 2009 2015-01-24T00:59:06-08:00 2009-08-03T17:24:54-07:00Teaching reading has a variety of things involved with it. One critical area is in the phonemic awareness area and auditory processing. Kids need to learn the sounds, including the vowel sounds. The short vowel sounds for the short ‘e’ and the short ‘i’ are very close to each other. This makes them hard for […]
Spelling Problems? What is the Cause and What Do I Do About It?
June 4th, 2009 2009-06-04T16:07:07-07:00 2009-06-04T16:07:07-07:00I can’t tell you how may parents have asked me about their child that has problems with spelling. In fact, my daughter had spelling problems. She came by it naturally – her father was a terrible speller. I’ll never forget how he’d drop off a paper of his for me to type for him when […]
My son is 8 and has really struggled with learning. What do I do? Where should I start?
May 27th, 2009 2015-02-04T23:17:52-08:00 2009-05-27T11:03:55-07:00I have read the free ebook and reviewed the books and kits you have for sale. Does the kit with the five books cover all learning disabilities. I see that the one book helps identify the problem area(s). My son is 8 and has really struggled with learning and he really has a desire to […]
Reading Comprehension Problems? Learn the 3 Causes
May 21st, 2009 2015-01-24T01:21:42-08:00 2009-05-21T15:31:22-07:00Whether you have dyslexia, a learning disability, ADHD, or are just struggling with reading comprehension, it is due to one, two, or all three causes of comprehension. Understanding the underlying cause of the comprehension problem is important because you do different things to address the different problems. So, view the video to understand the causes […]
How to Improve Reading in 5 Minutes a Day
May 20th, 2009 2019-01-14T16:29:54-08:00 2009-05-20T16:01:51-07:00Is Homework Time a Struggle For You?
May 15th, 2009 2009-05-15T20:59:17-07:00 2009-05-15T20:59:17-07:00What do you do when homework time is a struggle? Practical tips to help make your evenings a lot smoother and give you back your sanity. More on reading, writing, and math help.
Reading Help: Is Your Child Overwhelmed with Too Much Text on a Page?
May 14th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:46:54-08:00 2009-05-14T17:15:15-07:00I’m so excited…just posted my first video answering, “What do you do when your child is overwhelmed by the text on a page?” Hope you enjoy the video. See it here: More on solutions to the 3 roadblocks to reading success.
Helping Students Who Struggle to Write: Classroom Compensations
April 14th, 2009 2009-04-14T18:46:12-07:00 2009-04-14T18:46:12-07:00LD Online just posted this interesting article from Educational Therapist Regina Richards. I thought you would enjoy it. By: Regina G. Richards (2008) I shake myself to stop daydreaming…Writing is definitely the worst task of all. It was just way too hard to remember all the things I need, like periods and capital letters. And […]
Why Should I Do an Informal (LD Dyslexia) Assessment of My Child?
April 8th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-04-08T17:59:18-07:00One of the critical questions I often get is why should I do an informal assessment of my child? Can’t the school do an assessment and tell me why my child is having trouble learning? Yes, the school can test your child, but the tests used by the schools don’t always give you the whole […]
Learning: Why Do Our Kids Need To Practice or Prepare?
April 2nd, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-04-02T18:59:07-07:00I just got back from a 3 day seminar that I had spent the past two months getting ready for. In fact, I arrived two days early so I could spend more time preparing for it – so that I would be able to get the most out of the seminar. The gentleman who sat […]
Questions regarding the LD Screening Tool
March 25th, 2009 2015-11-30T19:49:43-08:00 2009-03-25T14:51:51-07:00Order your LD Screening Tool here. A little more info for you on the tool as stated by Linda Foster: “In addition to providing the results with the underlying root cause of learning problems, the assessment report offers specific actionable steps to take according to your students assessment.” Order your LD […]
Live: The LD Screening Tool Has Arrived!
March 23rd, 2009 2015-11-30T19:29:17-08:00 2009-03-23T18:49:30-07:00Yes, it is here! Spring is here, the tulip tree is blooming as is the manzanita tree, daffodils, the wild violets…And the Learning Disability Screening Assessment has arrived! You will now be able to have your child or student assessed and find the underlying root cause of their learning problems. You will know the […]
Will Music Really Help Improve Reading Skills?
March 18th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:02-08:00 2009-03-18T16:53:52-07:00Learning to read is NOT rocket science, but it is more complex than most people think. Whether you have a learning disability, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or not, every person is affected by their visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic processing systems. We all learn by seeing (visual processing), hearing (auditory processing), and doing (tactile/kinesthetic). Both visual processing and auditory processing are critical components to […]
How To Improve Reading Skills With a Non-verbal Autistic Student
March 17th, 2009 2015-02-04T23:58:09-08:00 2009-03-17T15:01:37-07:00This question just came in from Penny Ray: Hi Bonnie! I have a question about “Five Minutes to Better Reading”. Have you used that program with a non-speaking student? What do you recommend for non-speaking (non-verbal autistic) kids in terms of boosting reading skills? Am looking for anything that would help. Thanks, Penny Ray Hi […]
Do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the LD Screening Tool? And/or how have you validated it?
March 10th, 2009 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00Laura Doto writes, “Also, do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the tool? And/or how have you validated it?” I have informally validated the Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool over my 35+ years of assessing students by the correlation of it to the following formal testing that was […]
Visual Tracking – One of the Most Common Reading Problems + 8 Activities to Improve It
February 24th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-02-24T16:50:44-08:00Visual Tracking: The ability to track one’s eyes from left to right in an efficient manner; it enables the task to be completed quickly. When your child skips or repeats words when they read aloud
they typically have visual tracking difficutles. Visual Tracking is critical to reading fluently with ease.
Over my 35+ years of teaching aproximately 95% of the students I worked with had visual tracking difficulties. It is a VERY common problem!
20 Activities: Improve Visual Processing in LD & Dyslexic Children
February 19th, 2009 2009-02-19T21:41:26-08:00 2009-02-19T21:41:26-08:0020 quick and easy activities to help your child improve their visual processing.
Laziness, Learning Difficulty, LD, or Dyslexia?
February 5th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:44:31-08:00 2009-02-05T15:34:12-08:00I haven’t posted for a few days due to flying down to Boca Raton, FL for a conference. I’ll be in meetings the next few days and wanted to be sure and touch base though. This question recently came up from a parent (Kathy P) wondering, “Does my son have a learning disability or is […]