‘Central Auditory Processing Disorder’ Blog Posts

Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids
February 6th, 2020 2020-02-06T10:07:47-08:00 2020-02-06T08:30:12-08:00Try a few educational Valentine’s Day Activities for kids to improve auditory processing skills and overall learning skills.

Brain-Based Learning: Auditory Processing Activities
March 12th, 2019 2019-03-13T18:41:05-07:00 2019-03-12T10:02:33-07:00Three brain-based auditory processing disorder activities for kids of all ages. These activities improve learning skills while you have fun. Auditory processing is one of the three avenues we learn academic skills from. Remember, we learn by hearing (auditory processing), seeing (visual processing), and doing (tactile/kinesthetic processing). That being said, APD – an auditory processing disorder was found to be present in 43.3% of those that struggle with learning (2009 The National Center for Biotechnology Information). Read on to learn the behaviors that indicate your child may have difficulties with auditory processing.

Phonemic Awareness Activities Improve Reading Skills
March 22nd, 2018 2019-09-30T14:30:38-07:00 2018-03-22T14:25:48-07:00Phonemic awareness is a foundational skill that impacts one’s ability to read. 7 of the 9 areas of auditory processing impact phonemic awareness. This is because phonemic awareness is the ability to understand sound structure. Activities follow.

11 Auditory Processing Activities You Can Do Without Spending a Dime!
December 4th, 2017 2020-04-23T11:49:05-07:00 2017-12-04T11:10:21-08:00Auditory processing is a critical component to reading success. We work on a variety of auditory processing areas every time we do activities from the Reading Pack: Five Minutes to Better Reading Skills, Making Spelling Sense, Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills, and The Comprehension Zone. For example, The Comprehension Zone is a game where we play for both auditory memory, auditory comprehension, and reading comprehension. Making Spelling Sense is where we work on auditory discrimination, auditory closure, and auditory memory.
Improve Auditory Learning Skills with VAK Therapy
September 9th, 2014 2016-08-17T05:42:15-07:00 2014-09-09T18:25:52-07:00What if… You found a learning disability solution that is not just another quick fix? What if… This school year, you learned to help your child gain new skills and become a better student and learning became easier?? In my last post, I wrote about how we take in information through the senses: visual processing, […]
Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 1
November 22nd, 2010 2016-10-30T04:55:31-07:00 2010-11-22T17:20:40-08:00What is the Best Sequence of Teaching Spelling Patterns to Dyslexic Students?
July 27th, 2010 2010-07-27T16:07:30-07:00 2010-07-27T16:07:30-07:00Hi, My question is what is the best sequence of teaching spelling patterns to dyslexic students? Which spelling patterns in particular will be the most tough for the dyslexics to grasp & what knock-on effect can they have on the learning of other patterns? Which doors would be opened in reading & writing by knowing a […]
The 5 Critical Steps You Need to Help Your Child Improve Their Learning Skills
July 15th, 2010 2010-07-15T13:52:37-07:00 2010-07-15T13:52:37-07:00For those of you that missed last Wednesday night’s call … I wanted to pass this along as soon as I could. Here is the link where you can go to listen to the Mid-Summer Activities to Improve Your Child’s Skills Teleseminar. You will want to listen over the next 3 days as it may […]
Learn Spelling – Teach Spelling With the Spelling Patterns
January 19th, 2010 2019-01-11T11:48:16-08:00 2010-01-19T13:13:56-08:00Need help with spelling? Teaching spelling or learning how to spell doesn’t have to be daunting even if you have a learning disability, dyslexia, or are even gifted. And, yes, even gifted kids sometimes struggle with spelling. Spelling problems are typically due to areas of auditory processing that aren’t working as effeciently as they should […]
How to Improve Reading and Memory Skills and Still Have Fun
January 7th, 2010 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2010-01-07T19:44:54-08:00What can you do during the winter weather to help your kids improve their skills? This question is a frequent one for me. Parents are always interested in helping their kids, but it is sometimes hard to stay motivated, especially during the winter months. The following activities work well with all kids, whether they have […]
Reading Help – Reading & Listening Comprehension: Comprehension Zone Review
October 20th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-10-20T11:08:40-07:00Bonnie Terry Learning – Review of The Comprehension Zone: Rocket Rap This review is difficult for me to write because this product had such a dramatic and positive effect for one of our children. It has been an answer to prayer, a break-through for our child who has struggled with auditory comprehension for years. I am […]
How Do You Make Visual Clocks for Your LD, Dyslexic, or ADHD Children?
August 26th, 2009 2015-01-23T23:15:42-08:00 2009-08-26T11:50:41-07:00Hi Bonnie, I would be interested to know more about how you make your visual clocks and what they look like. -Susan Susan, As a teacher of K- H.S. age, I have a lot of resources and supplies. I’m a learning disability specialist and educational therapist as well as parent. I have ADD & have […]
Is a Language Disability Considered a Learning Disability?
August 14th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:46:00-08:00 2009-08-14T20:28:16-07:00A parent recently wrote in: Is a language disability considered a learning disability? My son has problems with both expressive and receptive language. He has a big difference between his visual and verbal scores on his test. That turned his language delay into a disability. There was a very large difference between the two. He […]
Teaching Reading: The Short Vowels to Dyslexics, ADHD, & Homeschooling Kids
August 3rd, 2009 2015-01-24T00:59:06-08:00 2009-08-03T17:24:54-07:00Teaching reading has a variety of things involved with it. One critical area is in the phonemic awareness area and auditory processing. Kids need to learn the sounds, including the vowel sounds. The short vowel sounds for the short ‘e’ and the short ‘i’ are very close to each other. This makes them hard for […]
Questions to Ask Specialists Who Evaluate for Learning Disabilities or Dyslexia
July 14th, 2009 2009-07-14T16:22:52-07:00 2009-07-14T16:22:52-07:00Whether your child is being evaluated for LD or dyslexia you need to know the type of questions to ask the specialists. I just read this article that was posted on LD Online. It gives a lot of great information and I thought you might be interested… Written by: Great Schools Editorial Staff (2007) Hiring a […]
My son is 8 and has really struggled with learning. What do I do? Where should I start?
May 27th, 2009 2015-02-04T23:17:52-08:00 2009-05-27T11:03:55-07:00I have read the free ebook and reviewed the books and kits you have for sale. Does the kit with the five books cover all learning disabilities. I see that the one book helps identify the problem area(s). My son is 8 and has really struggled with learning and he really has a desire to […]
Why Should I Do an Informal (LD Dyslexia) Assessment of My Child?
April 8th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-04-08T17:59:18-07:00One of the critical questions I often get is why should I do an informal assessment of my child? Can’t the school do an assessment and tell me why my child is having trouble learning? Yes, the school can test your child, but the tests used by the schools don’t always give you the whole […]
Question about The Comprehension Zone Game: Reading Comprehension
March 30th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-03-30T06:51:27-07:00Hi Bonnie, I’d like to place an order for a product of yours, but I have not been able to locate any age or grade range for any of the items. Can you tell me for whom the Comprehension Zone is appropriate? Thanks, Susan Taber Hi Susan, The Comprehension Zone can be used from 2nd […]
Feeding Your Auditory and Visual Processing Systems
March 26th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-03-26T17:00:04-07:00Every once in awhile I get these days…I get so busy that I have forgotten to eat lunch. And then I wonder why my stomach starts hurting, I feel like I’m going to keel over, or I turn from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde, or should I say, Ms. Hyde – the evil spirit. I get so wrapped up in […]
Questions regarding the LD Screening Tool
March 25th, 2009 2015-11-30T19:49:43-08:00 2009-03-25T14:51:51-07:00Order your LD Screening Tool here. A little more info for you on the tool as stated by Linda Foster: “In addition to providing the results with the underlying root cause of learning problems, the assessment report offers specific actionable steps to take according to your students assessment.” Order your LD […]
Live: The LD Screening Tool Has Arrived!
March 23rd, 2009 2015-11-30T19:29:17-08:00 2009-03-23T18:49:30-07:00Yes, it is here! Spring is here, the tulip tree is blooming as is the manzanita tree, daffodils, the wild violets…And the Learning Disability Screening Assessment has arrived! You will now be able to have your child or student assessed and find the underlying root cause of their learning problems. You will know the […]
Will Music Really Help Improve Reading Skills?
March 18th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:02-08:00 2009-03-18T16:53:52-07:00Learning to read is NOT rocket science, but it is more complex than most people think. Whether you have a learning disability, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or not, every person is affected by their visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic processing systems. We all learn by seeing (visual processing), hearing (auditory processing), and doing (tactile/kinesthetic). Both visual processing and auditory processing are critical components to […]
New study links Dyslexia to slower processing of sounds in the brain
March 16th, 2009 2015-01-23T23:18:05-08:00 2009-03-16T15:27:57-07:00I just read this article written by Tralee Pearce regarding recent research on dyslexia and thought you’d enjoy it. This study again shows the deep connection and impact that processing problems have with learning problems. TRALEE PEARCE From Friday’s Globe and Mail March 13, 2009 at 11:57 AM EDT While researchers and educators have come a […]
Review: The LD Assessment Tool…
March 11th, 2009 2009-03-11T18:55:38-07:00 2009-03-11T18:55:38-07:00I’m so excited to share this review that just came in. I sent out a few advance copies of the new LD Dyslexia Assessment Tool: Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool to several professionals and The LINK magazine. Here it is: By Emerson Sandow of The LINK homeschool magazine In homeschooling, Bonnie […]
Is the informal LD dyslexia assessment tool designed for parents so that they in turn could arrive at a decision for formal evaluation?
March 2nd, 2009 2009-03-02T20:01:43-08:00 2009-03-02T20:01:43-08:00Laura Doto wrote me several questions regarding the Learning Difficulty/Disability Assessment Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool. I will be responding to them over the next several days. Hi Bonnie — Congratulations! — I have a few questions about the pre-screening tool: Is the informal assessment tool designed for parents so that they in turn […]