Awaken the Scholar Within VAK Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Therapy Program provides activities and exercises designed specifically to address the underlying root causes of learning problems. Bonnie Terry Learning is offering one of our ASW VAK Therapy Programs for FREE. Just enter the contest to win!
The activities in the program typically take any where from 3 minutes to 10 minutes. Each day (5-days a week) there are several exercises to do that can take up to 20 minutes a day. Many of the activities are ones you can do with the whole family. Some of the activities are paper and pencil activities. Other activities are movement activities such as specific bean bag toss activities. Doing these simple movement activities activates the brain so learning becomes easier.
What if… You found a learning disability solution that is not just another quick fix? What if… This school year, you learned to help your child gain new skills and become a better student and learning became easier?? In my last post, I wrote about how we take in information through the senses: visual processing, […]
We Learn through the Senses When you think about how we learn and realize that everyone learns through the senses, it makes sense that this is so. We all take in information by tasting, smelling, hearing, seeing, and doing, even if you have dyslexia, ADHD, autistic spectrum, or auditory processing problems. When you have dyslexic kids […]
Awaken the Scholar Within Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Program is designed specifically for struggling learners who are falling through the cracks: kids with dyslexia, ADHD, learning challenges, Autism, or even gifted learners who just take too long to do their homework. Filled with simple activities that are easy for anyone to implement in just […]
Can Family Activities Improve Reading and Writing Skills and Family Education Too? Awaken the Scholar Within Reading, Writing, and Study Skills Program is available online. Bonnie Terry states, “I especially designed this program for struggling learners that are falling through the cracks, those kids with dyslexia, ADHD, learning challenges, Autism, or that are even gifted […]
Using Specific Learning Strategies Improves Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia Today, I want to introduce you to the Awaken the Scholar Within (ASW) Learning Skills Program This Awaken the Scholar Within Program uses specific learning strategies to address all of the areas of perception that impact learning. We all learn 3 ways, by hearing, seeing, and […]
A Family Activity That Keeps Your Halloween Memories and Improves Learning Skills and Writing Skills If your Halloween was anything like ours, your whole family had a GREAT time, and you have a lot of wonderful memories. One thing to do can to save those recent memories is to capture them in a […]
How do you turn Halloween Activities into a Learning Experience Even if Your Kids Have Dyslexia or ADHD? Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET is a LD Specialist. Ms. Terry helps parents identify, understand, and address the underlying causes of their child’s learning problems. Dyslexic, LD and ADHD kids advance […]
Homework Help…Does Your Child Need Organizational Skills? Does Your Child Forget to Take Things to School? This forgetting an assignment or forgetting to bring homework back to school is actually due to poor planning skills. Planning skills are part of what is called executive function, and frankly, executive function doesn’t become solid in each of […]
Does Your Child Have a Hard Time with Their Math Homework? BT Easy Math Reference Guide.
Reading fluently describes how a skilled reader reads silently or aloud. You can only check reading fluency and improve reading fluency by reading aloud. Confronting Reading Fluency Problems Let me give you an example…I met Amanda in February; she was in 5th grade. She had brown straight hair and a great smile, although she didn’t […]
Family Strategies for ADHD Kids is here! Get your FREE Kindle Book on May 1st , 2nd, or 3rd! I’m so excited…the second book in the Winning The ADHD Battle Series is now complete! It’s Family Strategies for ADHD Kids. In my quest to make learning and life easy for hyperactive kids and their parents and […]
FREE Kindle Book on March 7th , 8th, or 9th 2013! Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET here, and I haven’t posted in awhile because I’ve been working on a new book, School Strategies for ADHD Kids. Most of you know that I work with parents and teachers – helping them make learning easier for their kids, […]