‘Reading Strategies’ Blog Posts

3 Activities Improve Reading Skills
October 10th, 2017 2017-10-11T18:13:33-07:00 2017-10-10T03:00:49-07:00
As a parent, you do have the power and ability to help your kids improve their reading skills. These activities are for everyone! They also help those with an identified learning disability, dyslexia, ADHD, or are gifted. There are 3 easy to implement activities that each take just a few minutes a day to improve [...]
Awaken the Scholar Within Program Uses Learning Strategies to Improve Learning Disabilities
November 8th, 2013 2013-11-08T15:30:13-08:00 2013-11-08T15:30:13-08:00Using Specific Learning Strategies Improves Learning Disabilities and Dyslexia Today, I want to introduce you to the Awaken the Scholar Within (ASW) Learning Skills Program This Awaken the Scholar Within Program uses specific learning strategies to address all of the areas of perception that impact learning. We all learn 3 ways, by hearing, seeing, and […]