President’s Day Activities Improve Learning Skills – February is the month with two President’s birthdays. First, Lincoln’s Birthday was February 12th and then Washington’s Birthday is February 22nd. We celebrate both birthdays on President’s Day, February 20th. George Washington is the first US President. He became president after the Revolutionary War. This is the perfect time to do a few craft activities in commemoration of these two US Presidents.
New Year celebration activities can be perfect for taking a little bit of time to reflect on the previous year and talk about wishes for the New Year. What do you want to do more of? What do you want to avoid? This day has always been a day to gather with those who are included in your family. Here are 5 new year celebration activities for your family and friends to celebrate with.
Thanksgiving is the perfect time to spend time with your family. I’ll be with my kids, grandkids, and husband. This year we’ll be celebrating at our house. My children and 3 new grandchildren will be here. I’m so excited! We are getting ready with some simple Thanksgiving activities that will get both the kids and adults engaged in a great time. That makes for a happy mom and grandmom!
Best Special Needs Reading and Learning Skills Websites: When you are looking for ways to help your special needs child improve their learning skills, especially their reading skills, you want to find the best, the most knowledgeable website and you want to do that as quickly as possible. What if you are searching to find […]
There are so many ways you can improve math skills while having fun on Halloween. Math concepts keep getting refined as you get older. However, these activities can be used at any age for fun learning and review. Remember, sorting and categorizing items is critical to learning math concepts. Classifying is the action of putting objects into sets based on common traits. You can even chart your results.
Reading comprehension is the ability to understand and retain the information given in the text as you read it. Reading fluency, on the other hand, is the accuracy and speed of reading without conscious attention to the mechanics of reading. A fluent reader has the ability to read and understand words automatically. They are able to more easily comprehend complete sentences and entire reading selections.
Quality family time can be the backbone for the learning experiences your children will build from. Make sure to take this opportunity over the holiday break to bring the family together for positive learning experiences.
10 fun family activities to do over the holidays. These activities not only bring fun to the family but they also improve learning skills too. Activities vary from game night (with suggested games), to movie night, to special decorating activities.
When I first heard of Bonnie Terry’s 5 Minutes to Better Reading Skills program, I assumed it was only for beginning readers. Not so! It’s for everyone! My kids from 3rd to 6th grade are already benefiting from it and we’ve only been using it for a week. Their reading speed, confidence, and comprehension are going up by leaps and bounds!
Figuring out what motivates your child is a common problem that every parent faces at one time or another. I know for me, I often felt my kids should just be self-motivated to do their best on their homework. But, then I remember, they were kids. And then I remembered how it was when I was growing up. I often rushed through my homework to just get it done. I’m betting you are a lot like me and didn’t always do your best either.
We read from top to bottom and left to right. We form letters in specific directions. Even writing your letters correctly involves directionality. Starting letters at the top and moving down is easier and faster and coincides with how we read. Yet, kids left to there own often start writing letters from the bottom up. These are often the kids that haven’t learned the top down orientation of reading, starting at the top of the page and reading from left to right.
Most teachers assign spelling words homework at some point. The assignment may be to use their spelling words in sentences or to write a story using their spelling words. Both of these assignments can be daunting for a lot of kids. Read to find out what you can do to make these assignments easier.
Try a few educational Valentine’s Day Activities for kids to improve auditory processing skills and overall learning skills.
3 things parents should be looking for when they are picking out educational fun games for their kids to keep them engaged?
Think about which skills you would like to enhance…reading? language? vocabulary? math? spelling?
Can you play the game over a number of years…will this be a game your kids will enjoy over the long term?