‘Activities for Kids’ Blog Posts
5 Thanksgiving Activities for the Family
November 15th, 2024 2024-11-15T16:36:43-08:00 2024-11-15T04:00:50-08:00Thanksgiving is the perfect time to spend time with your family. I’ll be with my kids, grandkids, and husband. This year we’ll be celebrating at our house. My children and 3 new grandchildren will be here. I’m so excited! We are getting ready with some simple Thanksgiving activities that will get both the kids and adults engaged in a great time. That makes for a happy mom and grandmom!
New Year’s Activities for Kids and the Family
December 27th, 2023 2023-12-28T10:53:01-08:00 2023-12-27T08:00:51-08:00New Year celebration activities can be perfect for taking a little bit of time to reflect on the previous year and talk about wishes for the New Year. What do you want to do more of? What do you want to avoid? This day has always been a day to gather with those who are included in your family. Here are 5 new year celebration activities for your family and friends to celebrate with.
What Motivates Your Child?
September 10th, 2023 2024-03-05T18:33:31-08:00 2023-09-10T17:13:53-07:00Figuring out what motivates your child is a common problem that every parent faces at one time or another. I know for me, I often felt my kids should just be self-motivated to do their best on their homework. But, then I remember, they were kids. And then I remembered how it was when I was growing up. I often rushed through my homework to just get it done. I’m betting you are a lot like me and didn’t always do your best either.
President’s Day Activities Improve Learning and Writing Skills
February 12th, 2020 2020-02-13T11:43:44-08:00 2020-02-12T15:00:08-08:00President’s Day Activities Improve Learning Skills – February is the month with two President’s birthdays. First, Lincoln’s Birthday was February 12th and then Washington’s Birthday is February 22nd. We celebrate both birthdays on President’s Day, February 20th. George Washington is the first US President. He became president after the Revolutionary War. This is the perfect time to do a few craft activities in commemoration of these two US Presidents.
Auditory Processing Activities for Kids
December 4th, 2019 2019-12-05T11:10:01-08:00 2019-12-04T00:43:31-08:00Auditory processing is critical to learning whether it is learning to speak, read, write, follow directions,and math. We know that kids with reading problems usually have weak auditory processing skills. If a child has problems with auditory processing, it is often because of a weakness in phonemic awareness.
Teaching Kids Decision Making: Raising Thoughtful Voters
November 1st, 2016 2018-10-31T20:21:54-07:00 2016-11-01T16:17:33-07:00Election day is just around the corner. Many people have already started voting by absentee ballot. The debates, surveys, projections seem to be everywhere. That being said, how do we teach someone or as a student learn to be a thoughtful voter?
Whether we realize it or not, we actually vote on ‘stuff’ every day. A vote for something is a decision or choice about something. For example, if you are thirsty and you get a drink of water, the act of drinking water rather than juice, coffee, tea, or a soft drink is an ‘act’ of voting or choosing water.