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‘learning reading skills’ Blog Posts

3 Reading Activities

3 Activities Improve Reading Skills

October 10th, 2017 2017-10-11T18:13:33-07:00 2017-10-10T03:00:49-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry
As a parent, you do have the power and ability to help your kids improve their reading skills. These activities are for everyone! They also help those with an identified learning disability, dyslexia, ADHD, or are gifted. There are 3 easy to implement activities that each take just a few minutes a day to improve [...]

Struggling with Learning Reading Skills?

September 21st, 2010 2023-09-01T14:58:44-07:00 2010-09-21T09:14:24-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Struggling With Learning Reading Skills? Many times when your child struggles they are actually working three, four, five times harder than their classmates. Your child gets frustrated and the homework battles start because the homework becomes overwhelming. When your child struggles with reading skills or your evenings become filled with ‘homework battles’ it is typically […]

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