‘improve comprehension skills’ Blog Posts
Strategies to Improve Reading Comprehension
October 29th, 2018 2018-10-30T21:22:49-07:00 2018-10-29T00:07:28-07:00Reading comprehension is the ability to understand, analyze, synthesize, and use what you have read. Without comprehension, there is really no point to reading. Graphic organizers allow you to easily take notes and turn what you read into a graphical display or story structure. These strategies improve critical components of reading comprehension.
3 Activities Improve Reading Skills
October 10th, 2017 2017-10-11T18:13:33-07:00 2017-10-10T03:00:49-07:00Reading Comprehension Strategies
July 29th, 2015 2017-12-06T15:56:05-08:00 2015-07-29T20:43:34-07:00Reading Comprehension is the ability to gain meaning from what you read and then to use that information is some fashion…whether for enjoyment when reading a pleasure book or for information and knowledge when reading a text book or non-fiction book. Reading comprehension even comes into play when reading a text message on a smart phone or reading a Facebook post.
Tricks and Treats and Halloween Actually Improve Comprehension Skills…
October 29th, 2012 2017-12-30T10:33:50-08:00 2012-10-29T09:53:35-07:00Improve Comprehension Skills… With Tricks and Treats and Halloween The ghosts and goblins are among us. Costumes are found and put on, kids are waiting at the door for the go ahead to get started on the yearly trick or treating more than they want a video game. So what in the world does this […]