Live: The LD Screening Tool Has Arrived!
March 23rd, 2009Yes, it is here! Spring is here, the tulip tree is blooming as is the manzanita tree, daffodils, the wild violets…And the Learning Disability Screening Assessment has arrived!
You will now be able to have your child or student assessed and find the underlying root cause of their learning problems. You will know the specific areas of strengths and weaknesses of your child.
By Linda Foster of The LINK (website review)
Without proper diagnosis, a student might spend his/her school years struggling with schoolwork and feeling inadequate. Lacking the confidence to succeed often causes students to ignore instructions and become disruptive. This scenario can occur in classroom or homeschool settings causing frustration not only for the student, but, also, for the teacher/parent. Going through this LD Screening Tool Assessment is an excellent way to find out exactly what is holding your student back.
The LD Screening Tool assessment identifies which of the 27 areas of perception (9 visual, 9 auditory, and 9 tactile/kinesthetic) that impact learning as well as executive function and working memory.
Private testing can be very expensive, anywhere between $1000.00 and $5000.00. I promised you a reasonably priced informal assessment tool, one that even in today’s tight ecomony you would be able to avail yourself of. Just go to the LD Screening Tool and order your own assessment today for only $597.00.
Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET