‘Dyscalculia’ Blog Posts
Best Special Needs Websites
November 12th, 2024 2024-11-14T12:07:26-08:00 2024-11-12T17:19:54-08:00Best Special Needs Reading and Learning Skills Websites: When you are looking for ways to help your special needs child improve their learning skills, especially their reading skills, you want to find the best, the most knowledgeable website and you want to do that as quickly as possible. What if you are searching to find […]
What is Number Sense? The Key to Improve Math Skills
March 20th, 2019 2020-12-17T16:37:27-08:00 2019-03-20T00:13:51-07:00Number Sense is your sense of what numbers mean. What value does a number represent? Which number is bigger or smaller? Making comparisons is also part of number sense. Learn what number sense is and activities you can do to improve this sense.
How the 5 Senses Impact How We Learn
February 19th, 2018 2019-01-01T12:11:43-08:00 2018-02-19T12:16:52-08:00The 5 Senses Impact on How We Learn – How we learn, how we intake information directly impacts our ability to succeed in school. Parents frequently email me or call my office looking for help for their child or teen. They don’t know why their child struggles in school. They just know that they do. Learn what impacts learning skills.
Number Sense is Key to Learning Multiplication Facts
May 9th, 2017 2018-12-12T16:07:21-08:00 2017-05-09T21:30:51-07:00Number sense comes into learning and retention of multiplication facts in two different areas: The area of counting (by 2’s, 3’s, 4’s, and so on) and proportions (twice the size, three times the size, half the size, etc.) Doing concrete activities and counting activities will improve your ability to understand and retain your multiplication facts.
Dyscalculia? Need Math Help? Learning Disabilities?
October 13th, 2015 2016-02-25T01:03:26-08:00 2015-10-13T23:32:21-07:00I’m sure you remember how it was in school. Your teacher explained how to do a particular type of math problem in class and you got it. It seemed so easy to solve it. Then you switched to another subject, and another as the day progressed. You got home, took out your math homework and totally forgot how to do the problem. Read to find the solutions to math homwork problems and dyscalculia.