‘Auditory Processing’ Blog Posts
Valentine’s Day Activities for Kids
February 6th, 2020 2020-02-06T10:07:47-08:00 2020-02-06T08:30:12-08:00Try a few educational Valentine’s Day Activities for kids to improve auditory processing skills and overall learning skills.
Auditory Processing Activities for Kids
December 4th, 2019 2019-12-05T11:10:01-08:00 2019-12-04T00:43:31-08:00Auditory processing is critical to learning whether it is learning to speak, read, write, follow directions,and math. We know that kids with reading problems usually have weak auditory processing skills. If a child has problems with auditory processing, it is often because of a weakness in phonemic awareness.
Spelling and Auditory Processing
October 14th, 2019 2020-04-29T07:55:17-07:00 2019-10-14T00:38:57-07:00Auditory processing skills are foundational skills for both reading and spelling. Phonemic awareness and phonics are the first steps in learning to read as well as spell. Both phonemic awareness and phonics depend on the auditory system. Phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate the individual sounds – phonemes – in spoken words. Phonics is the ability to accurately relate an auditory sound with a visual symbol. This is exactly what we do when we spell.
Brain-Based Learning: Auditory Processing Activities
March 12th, 2019 2019-03-13T18:41:05-07:00 2019-03-12T10:02:33-07:00Three brain-based auditory processing disorder activities for kids of all ages. These activities improve learning skills while you have fun. Auditory processing is one of the three avenues we learn academic skills from. Remember, we learn by hearing (auditory processing), seeing (visual processing), and doing (tactile/kinesthetic processing). That being said, APD – an auditory processing disorder was found to be present in 43.3% of those that struggle with learning (2009 The National Center for Biotechnology Information). Read on to learn the behaviors that indicate your child may have difficulties with auditory processing.
Reading Activities Help Dyslexic and ADHD Kids Love Reading
January 16th, 2019 2020-04-29T07:51:13-07:00 2019-01-16T15:55:49-08:00Reading activities and games are a great way to help your kids improve both their reading skills and their love of reading. When learning becomes fun, in a relaxed atmosphere kids do better and their skills improve. Learning is a lot more fun when you are playing a game.
Auditory Closure, Visual Closure and Reading Fluency
November 27th, 2018 2018-11-28T21:28:06-08:00 2018-11-27T16:22:39-08:00Auditory and visual closure play an important role in reading fluency. Auditory closure is the ability to bring sounds and/or words together to gain meaning from them, visual closure is the ability to bring letters, partial letters, or words together to make sense of them.
Phonemic Awareness Activities Improve Reading Skills
March 22nd, 2018 2019-09-30T14:30:38-07:00 2018-03-22T14:25:48-07:00Phonemic awareness is a foundational skill that impacts one’s ability to read. 7 of the 9 areas of auditory processing impact phonemic awareness. This is because phonemic awareness is the ability to understand sound structure. Activities follow.
Spelling Activities Solve Spelling Problems
January 17th, 2017 2019-01-10T17:32:41-08:00 2017-01-17T23:57:37-08:00Spelling activities improve the underlying problems with learning spelling. Spelling problems are typically due to two different systems impacting your ability to spell, the auditory and visual systems. For example, if you hear a word that you haven’t seen multiple times and need to spell it, you will typically rely on spelling it by sounding it out.
How to Make Homemade Instruments
June 21st, 2016 2016-06-22T00:44:11-07:00 2016-06-21T07:00:55-07:00Summer time is here, the perfect time to explore and make musical instruments. You can use cans or boxes with strings, rubber or leather, etc. to make them.
Brain Based Learning: Auditory Processing and its Impact on Learning
February 5th, 2015 2016-10-30T04:44:39-07:00 2015-02-05T03:48:16-08:00Brain-based learning encompasses the general belief that learning can be improved and even accelerated when teaching strategies are based on the science of learning. That being said, everyone takes information in through their five senses: smell, taste, hearing, seeing, and doing. So, we need to pay attention to this science of how we take in information in order to improve learning.
Auditory Processing and Learning…
September 24th, 2014 2017-09-15T22:22:24-07:00 2014-09-24T10:22:02-07:00Do your kids have trouble with:
- Following instructions?
- Rhyming words?
- Reading comprehension?
- Listening comprehension?
- Remembering facts?
- Reading aloud or dislike reading aloud?
- Spelling words accurately?
- Word problems?
These are all symptoms of difficulty with just one area of auditory processing. And auditory processing is one of the most common areas impacted in kids or adults with learning disabilities.
Improve Auditory Learning Skills with VAK Therapy
September 9th, 2014 2016-08-17T05:42:15-07:00 2014-09-09T18:25:52-07:00What if… You found a learning disability solution that is not just another quick fix? What if… This school year, you learned to help your child gain new skills and become a better student and learning became easier?? In my last post, I wrote about how we take in information through the senses: visual processing, […]
Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 3
December 30th, 2010 2010-12-30T09:07:29-08:00 2010-12-30T09:07:29-08:00Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 3 In the last post Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 2 I talked about learning reading and went over some specific activities you can do in just minutes a day to target areas of auditory processing that affect learning reading. Remember, when you need learning reading help you […]
Learning Reading Help: Auditory Processing Part 2
December 3rd, 2010 2016-10-30T04:54:31-07:00 2010-12-03T16:58:38-08:00Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 1
November 22nd, 2010 2016-10-30T04:55:31-07:00 2010-11-22T17:20:40-08:00Auditory Processing: Learning Sounds and Spell With Ease
October 15th, 2010 2019-02-07T17:11:08-08:00 2010-10-15T17:39:03-07:00Think about it, when a student struggles with learning their sounds they typically struggle with spelling. When you don’t know your sounds or have trouble discriminating one sound from another, spelling can be very hard.
Reading Comprehension Game Improves Learning Skills
October 2nd, 2010 2015-04-17T01:34:11-07:00 2010-10-02T10:36:00-07:00Playing Reading Comprehension Game Improves Learning Skills What if you could play a game and improve your child’s reading and listening comprehension at the same time? It also sounds too good to be true doesn’t it? But a game really can improve reading comprehension. As a learning disability specialist and board certified educational therapist I […]
What is the Best Sequence of Teaching Spelling Patterns to Dyslexic Students?
July 27th, 2010 2010-07-27T16:07:30-07:00 2010-07-27T16:07:30-07:00Hi, My question is what is the best sequence of teaching spelling patterns to dyslexic students? Which spelling patterns in particular will be the most tough for the dyslexics to grasp & what knock-on effect can they have on the learning of other patterns? Which doors would be opened in reading & writing by knowing a […]
The 5 Critical Steps You Need to Help Your Child Improve Their Learning Skills
July 15th, 2010 2010-07-15T13:52:37-07:00 2010-07-15T13:52:37-07:00For those of you that missed last Wednesday night’s call … I wanted to pass this along as soon as I could. Here is the link where you can go to listen to the Mid-Summer Activities to Improve Your Child’s Skills Teleseminar. You will want to listen over the next 3 days as it may […]
Learn Spelling – Teach Spelling With the Spelling Patterns
January 19th, 2010 2019-01-11T11:48:16-08:00 2010-01-19T13:13:56-08:00Need help with spelling? Teaching spelling or learning how to spell doesn’t have to be daunting even if you have a learning disability, dyslexia, or are even gifted. And, yes, even gifted kids sometimes struggle with spelling. Spelling problems are typically due to areas of auditory processing that aren’t working as effeciently as they should […]
Reading Help – Reading & Listening Comprehension: Comprehension Zone Review
October 20th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-10-20T11:08:40-07:00Bonnie Terry Learning – Review of The Comprehension Zone: Rocket Rap This review is difficult for me to write because this product had such a dramatic and positive effect for one of our children. It has been an answer to prayer, a break-through for our child who has struggled with auditory comprehension for years. I am […]
Spelling Problems? Learn How to Make Spelling Easy
September 14th, 2009 2009-09-14T16:15:06-07:00 2009-09-14T16:15:06-07:00I often hear from parents that are concerned about their child struggling to learn to spell. In fact Kathy B. writes about her son, “He reads well, but cannot copy from the board or from a book without many spelling errors. The spelling issue is very evident in his written expression also.” Typically when a […]
Is a Language Disability Considered a Learning Disability?
August 14th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:46:00-08:00 2009-08-14T20:28:16-07:00A parent recently wrote in: Is a language disability considered a learning disability? My son has problems with both expressive and receptive language. He has a big difference between his visual and verbal scores on his test. That turned his language delay into a disability. There was a very large difference between the two. He […]
Auditory Processing Problems…What Do I Do?
August 14th, 2009 2009-08-14T20:08:01-07:00 2009-08-14T20:08:01-07:00A question came in today regarding auditory processing problems… My 8 year old daughter just got diagnosed with auditory processing disorder, mild dyslexia, attention issues, and eye teaming issues. She is on a beginning 2nd grade reading level and a post 1st grade math level. She is currently doing interactive metronome and then will start Ken […]
Spelling Problems? What is the Cause and What Do I Do About It?
June 4th, 2009 2009-06-04T16:07:07-07:00 2009-06-04T16:07:07-07:00I can’t tell you how may parents have asked me about their child that has problems with spelling. In fact, my daughter had spelling problems. She came by it naturally – her father was a terrible speller. I’ll never forget how he’d drop off a paper of his for me to type for him when […]