Learning Reading Help: Auditory Memory Part 2
If you have poor auditory memory skills, you will have trouble remembering the sounds of the letters you will have trouble with learning reading. But auditory memory is more than just direct recall of sounds. You need to be able to use the information you hear, manipulate it, and respond to it. If you have poor auditory discrimination you will have trouble with knowing if two sounds are the same or different. If you have a poor auditory-visual association, you will have trouble with relating a particular sound with the letter that represents it.
Auditory Processing and Learning Reading Help Activities
So, what can you do to improve reading when auditory processing problems are creating so many learning reading problems? There are some very simple activities that can be done to improve learning reading. In the video, I go over some specific activities so you can see how simple it is to improve learning reading. In fact, some of these activities just take one or two minutes to do, and they can be done with the whole family so no one is singled out. These activities actually end up being quite fun and can be done right after dinner as a quick family time activity.
When you need learning reading help you want to be sure you are considering all of the areas that may be problematic to learning to read. Whether you have dyslexia, an identified learning disability, are falling through the cracks, or are gifted, these areas of visual and auditory perception are the reason why you need reading help.