‘LD’ Blog Posts
A Different Perspective on ADD
April 11th, 2009 2015-01-23T23:12:32-08:00 2009-04-11T15:02:02-07:00Just wanted to pass this along – it may shed a bit of a different perspective on ADD for you… It’s only 2 minutes long. If you’ve got ADD then you have to see this: ==> http://InstantADDSuccess.com/public/232.cfm Many are talking about it… Some say they felt inspiration and hope after watching it! Others say that […]
Why Should I Do an Informal (LD Dyslexia) Assessment of My Child?
April 8th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-04-08T17:59:18-07:00One of the critical questions I often get is why should I do an informal assessment of my child? Can’t the school do an assessment and tell me why my child is having trouble learning? Yes, the school can test your child, but the tests used by the schools don’t always give you the whole […]
Confused about ADD & ADHD?
April 7th, 2009 2015-01-23T23:12:13-08:00 2009-04-07T17:51:42-07:00There appears to be some confusion about the terms ADD and ADHD. I often use both of the terms to avoid this confusion. However, the terms aren’t as expressive as I would like because they don’t quite reflect what is actually going on. In fact, there has been confusion going on for a number of […]
Feeding Your Auditory and Visual Processing Systems
March 26th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-03-26T17:00:04-07:00Every once in awhile I get these days…I get so busy that I have forgotten to eat lunch. And then I wonder why my stomach starts hurting, I feel like I’m going to keel over, or I turn from Dr. Jekyll into Mr. Hyde, or should I say, Ms. Hyde – the evil spirit. I get so wrapped up in […]
Live: The LD Screening Tool Has Arrived!
March 23rd, 2009 2015-11-30T19:29:17-08:00 2009-03-23T18:49:30-07:00Yes, it is here! Spring is here, the tulip tree is blooming as is the manzanita tree, daffodils, the wild violets…And the Learning Disability Screening Assessment has arrived! You will now be able to have your child or student assessed and find the underlying root cause of their learning problems. You will know the […]
Will Music Really Help Improve Reading Skills?
March 18th, 2009 2017-02-16T01:21:02-08:00 2009-03-18T16:53:52-07:00Learning to read is NOT rocket science, but it is more complex than most people think. Whether you have a learning disability, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD or not, every person is affected by their visual, auditory, and tactile/kinesthetic processing systems. We all learn by seeing (visual processing), hearing (auditory processing), and doing (tactile/kinesthetic). Both visual processing and auditory processing are critical components to […]
New study links Dyslexia to slower processing of sounds in the brain
March 16th, 2009 2015-01-23T23:18:05-08:00 2009-03-16T15:27:57-07:00I just read this article written by Tralee Pearce regarding recent research on dyslexia and thought you’d enjoy it. This study again shows the deep connection and impact that processing problems have with learning problems. TRALEE PEARCE From Friday’s Globe and Mail March 13, 2009 at 11:57 AM EDT While researchers and educators have come a […]
Reviews keep coming in…LD Dyslexia Screening Tool leads to more success in school
March 13th, 2009 2009-03-13T19:50:44-07:00 2009-03-13T19:50:44-07:00Another review just in… Parents and teachers alike need resources for children who are struggling in school. With today’s fast paced classrooms, many of our children are left behind because their learning difficulties have not been properly diagnosed. Often, children have to wait a long time to qualify for special education testing and by the […]
Review: The LD Assessment Tool…
March 11th, 2009 2009-03-11T18:55:38-07:00 2009-03-11T18:55:38-07:00I’m so excited to share this review that just came in. I sent out a few advance copies of the new LD Dyslexia Assessment Tool: Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool to several professionals and The LINK magazine. Here it is: By Emerson Sandow of The LINK homeschool magazine In homeschooling, Bonnie […]
Do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the LD Screening Tool? And/or how have you validated it?
March 10th, 2009 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00Laura Doto writes, “Also, do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the tool? And/or how have you validated it?” I have informally validated the Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool over my 35+ years of assessing students by the correlation of it to the following formal testing that was […]
Is the Learning Difficulty/Disability Assessment Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool designed for school personnel?
March 5th, 2009 2009-03-05T15:05:37-08:00 2009-03-05T15:05:37-08:00Is the Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool designed for school personnel, and if so, how would you recommend it get used as part of pursuing a more formal evaluation? Yes, teachers who use the informal assessment tool will get information on whether their student has visual, auditory, or tactile/kinesthetic processing areas […]
Is the informal LD dyslexia assessment tool designed for parents so that they in turn could arrive at a decision for formal evaluation?
March 2nd, 2009 2009-03-02T20:01:43-08:00 2009-03-02T20:01:43-08:00Laura Doto wrote me several questions regarding the Learning Difficulty/Disability Assessment Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool. I will be responding to them over the next several days. Hi Bonnie — Congratulations! — I have a few questions about the pre-screening tool: Is the informal assessment tool designed for parents so that they in turn […]
12 Activities Address Two More Areas of Visual Processing
February 26th, 2009 2015-11-25T00:41:01-08:00 2009-02-26T16:28:12-08:00The last two areas of visual processing are visual language classification and visual integration. Strengths in visual language classification help to create good comprehension. Visual integration pulls together the tactile/kinesthetic with the vision system.
Visual Tracking – One of the Most Common Reading Problems + 8 Activities to Improve It
February 24th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-02-24T16:50:44-08:00Visual Tracking: The ability to track one’s eyes from left to right in an efficient manner; it enables the task to be completed quickly. When your child skips or repeats words when they read aloud
they typically have visual tracking difficutles. Visual Tracking is critical to reading fluently with ease.
Over my 35+ years of teaching aproximately 95% of the students I worked with had visual tracking difficulties. It is a VERY common problem!
13 Activities to Improve Visual Processing in LD & Dyslexic Children
February 20th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:45:59-08:00 2009-02-20T21:05:05-08:00Today’s post is covering 2 more areas of visual processing: Visual Closure and Visual Memory. These areas impact not only success in reading, they also impact success in math.
Visual Closure: The ability to identify a visual stimulus from an incomplete visual presentation.
Visual Memory: The ability to store and retrieve information that has been given with a visual stimulus.
20 Activities: Improve Visual Processing in LD & Dyslexic Children
February 19th, 2009 2009-02-19T21:41:26-08:00 2009-02-19T21:41:26-08:0020 quick and easy activities to help your child improve their visual processing.
What Do I Do? I Know There Is a Learning Problem & the School Says No
February 11th, 2009 2009-02-11T18:49:58-08:00 2009-02-11T18:49:58-08:00A few years ago a parent called me. She was distraught. She didn’t know what to do. She had just gotten off the phone with her daughter’s school. She was informed again that her 9th grade daughter did not qualify for any help within the school system. She had been trying to get help for […]
Laziness, Learning Difficulty, LD, or Dyslexia?
February 5th, 2009 2016-02-25T00:44:31-08:00 2009-02-05T15:34:12-08:00I haven’t posted for a few days due to flying down to Boca Raton, FL for a conference. I’ll be in meetings the next few days and wanted to be sure and touch base though. This question recently came up from a parent (Kathy P) wondering, “Does my son have a learning disability or is […]
3 Simple Steps Done Regularly = Success in Reading
January 29th, 2009 2015-01-24T01:21:42-08:00 2009-01-29T20:23:01-08:00I was in a business class yesterday and this quote was discussed regarding business. The conduct of successful business merely consists in doing things in a very simple way, doing them regularly, and never neglecting to do them. Quoted by: William Lever of Lever Brothers Think about this. Isn’t this also true of reading, whether […]
10 Steps to Easier Learning Even If You Have LD or Dyslexia
January 28th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-01-28T18:14:16-08:00Here are 10 easy steps or suggestions for you to make learning easier for your student. These suggestions work whether you have learning problems such as LD, dyslexia, ADD, autism, or gifted. These ideas will help every student because they are based on sound principles of brain-based learning. Teach with associations e.g. Instead of underlining nouns […]
What do I do? My Child’s Teacher Just Told Me My Child has ADHD
January 22nd, 2009 2017-02-16T01:22:49-08:00 2009-01-22T17:24:35-08:00Dear What do I do… You do NOT want to jump to conclusions when a teacher or school suggests that your child is ADHD. Instead, take a breath, and remember the following. ADD and ADHD are NOT life threatening. Then realize that a school cannot actually diagnose ADHD. There are several checklists that you can […]
New Review – 5 Minutes to Better Reading Skills Really Works!
January 21st, 2009 2009-01-21T18:02:01-08:00 2009-01-21T18:02:01-08:00Five Minutes To Better Reading Skills is presented as a fast, fun approach to improve reading skills. The program includes a Teacher’s Manual, Mastery Charts, and a Student Booklet. The Mastery Charts are included in the Teacher’s Manual, so that the components include the two spiral bound books. The Student Booklet is 45 pages, while […]
Trouble Understanding What You Read? Part Two: The Game Solution
December 9th, 2008 2015-01-24T01:21:42-08:00 2008-12-09T16:45:40-08:00There is another solution to this that I use along with the Ten Minutes to Better Studying Skills. This solution can also be used very effectively at home, with a tutor, in a resource classroom, or in an elementary, middle school, or high school class. I have learned from years of experience and research that […]
Trouble Understanding What You Read? Part One
December 9th, 2008 2015-02-04T23:45:03-08:00 2008-12-09T16:11:26-08:00But what about an answer if the reading problem is #3 (lack of language or vocabulary)? Writes J. K. Remember, there are 3 roadblocks to reading success. The third problem, lack of vocabulary or language can be addressed in a variety of ways. First, a recap on the 3 roadblocks: 3 Most Common Reading Roadblocks (whether your […]
Reading Slow and Hindered, What Do I Do?
December 6th, 2008 2016-02-25T01:09:40-08:00 2008-12-06T15:09:19-08:00I recently received this question: Even after doing a complete course in phonics, a child’s reading is yet very slow and hindered what would be the best strategy? Looking forward to your reply and guidance. Regards R. Typically when one reads slowly it is due to one of the 3 Most Common Reading Roadblocks (whether […]