More Free Holiday Educational Fun Games Gifts
December 11th, 2012More FREE Holiday Gifts!
Educational Fun Games Math Gift Is Here!
Get Your Educational Fun Games Gift Valued at $75.00…
A Parent Says…“Their math skills are getting stronger every time they play!”…
“I had to fight the kids to complete their math papers, but I never have to fight them to play The Math Zone™. It’s unbelievable, because they want to play and they are learning at the same time. And, their math skills are all getting stronger every time they play! And…all of my kids play…from the 2nd grader to my high school kids!”
Regina A, Rio Linda, CA
The Math Zone Card Game. We are including 3 Bonus Videos valued at $75.00 to any purchasers of The Math Zone Game throughout December. So take this opportunity now to improve your kids math skills with fun educational games but also get for the first time the special bonus video lesson! Order your game today.
The Math Zone Card Game is what I use to improve my students’ accuracy with math calculations. I have found over the years how frustrating it is when kids continually make simple mistakes in math calculations. This is why I teach a specific method for doing both multiplication and long division. This bonus gift teaches you how to do multiplication and long division with accuracy every time.
The first video shows Bonnie demonstrating the game.
The second video shows a family playing the game.
The third video shows you step-by-step
1. How to Multiply with 100% accuracy every time as long as you follow the process
2. How to Divide with 100% accuracy every time as long as you follow the process
Learning Made Easy Talk Radio hosted by Bonnie Terry airs Every Tuesday 9:30 a.m. CT & 3:30 p.m. CT
Calculate with Accuracy the First Time with Educational Fun Games
The Math Zone Game, one of our educational fun games gives your kids practice in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing while playing a game. So this holiday season, allow your kids to have fun and learn at the same time. Order The Math Zone Card Game today!
A relaxed environment for learning helps kids to retain what they learn at much higher rates! Remember, games can be played for multiple reasons: teaching a new skill, improving skills, and reinforcing skills. So don’t delay…get your educational fun games today!