What is the Best Sequence of Teaching Spelling Patterns to Dyslexic Students?
July 27th, 2010Hi,
My question is what is the best sequence of teaching spelling patterns to dyslexic students?
Which spelling patterns in particular will be the most tough for the dyslexics to grasp & what knock-on effect can they have
on the learning of other patterns?
Which doors would be opened in reading & writing by knowing a certain pattern & which would be closed if the pattern was not known??
Kindly explain.
There are only 8 spelling patterns in the English language. I teach spelling with the spelling books – Making Spelling Sense and Making Spelling Sense II. The spelling books are designed to work with dyslexics of all ages. In addition to teaching spelling patterns it addresses both auditory and visual processing at the same time.
I always start with the vowel/consonant spelling pattern as it is the easiest one to learn and the most predominant spelling pattern in the English language. Then I go on to the vowel consonant silent e spelling pattern. The other spelling patterns follow.
As you gradually introduce the patterns with multiple lessons per spelling pattern, I don’t think there is really one pattern that would be considered the hardest one.
When you understand the structure of the language you can not only spell thousands of words, you can also decode thousands of words. Teaching spelling with this spelling program addresses both encoding (spelling – writing the word down) and decoding (sounding out words – reading) simultaneously.
Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET
A lot of activities used in schools for dyslexic children are excellent great to help teach spelling patterns. Thank you for this post, Bonnie!
You’re welcome. I will be going over the 5 things parents need to know to help their child improve their skills in a FREE webinar wed Nov 3rd. I just posted info on it.