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Paragraph Writing for Kids Using Graphic Organizers

June 11th, 2010

Paragraph writing can be daunting for kids, especially the first few times. Often teachers give an assignment to their students such as, “I want you to write a paragraph about…” Unfortunately, many kids freeze up and just stare at their sheet of paper, unable to write anything. It’s not that they haven’t read a lot of paragraphs, but writing a paragraph is a whole other thing.

Writing doesn’t have to be so hard! There are easy ways to teach paragraph writing, using graphic organizers. Paragraph writing becomes as easy as putting a hamburger together. There are a few key ideas to use with the graphic organizers and your kids will be on their way to paragraph writing with ease. Watch and see how easy paragraph writing can be.

Order your graphic organizer study skills book, Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills today.

Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET

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