Parenting Help for Learning Challenged Kids: The Behavioral Shift
March 30th, 2016
Wouldn’t it be nice if instead of trying to force your child to fit into their environment, you could learn ways to make their environment better meet their needs? What if instead of looking at rules and behaviors as fixed, we started to look at the growth your child is making?
We are excited to announce we are participating in The Behavioral Shift tele summit to do just that! Access amazing experts giving concrete advice, and adding tools to your toolkit that you can start using immediately! This summit is going to feature leading experts who will be giving away their best tips and strategies. Every expert will also be offering a free gift to help you make the shift from a fixed to growth mindset!

This online event will be running April 4-24th 2016. It’s a great way to start the final quarter of your child’s school year!
Recordings will be available to those that register!
Here’s a sneak peek at some of our amazing experts!
Bonnie Terry
Jeff Copper
Michelle Barone
Margaret Ashley
Laurie Dupar
More of our amazing experts:
David Giwerc
Carla Atherton
Caroline Maguire
Julie Romanowski
Mike and Kristin Berry