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Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 14th, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th.

Spending time thinking about and doing a random act of kindness is important, not just on February 17th, when it is celebrated, but as many days as you can.

Almost any kind deed will do. And, we highly recommend you perform kind acts on as many people as you can. Some easy things you can do is to set the table, take out the trash, or do the dishes without being asked to. Other random acts of kindness can be towards your siblings, friends, or classmates.

Daily Random Acts of Kindness

Giving a hug, smiling at a stranger or wishing someone a good day count too! [Think how you feel after you’ve done this!]

This is a favorite day of many people and groups. People like the idea of showing a little kindness to others. It’s a fun and good thing to do. And, they like being on the receiving end of this day as well. It makes both the giver and the receiver feel good.

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Schools and Random Acts of Kindness Day

Schools have used this day as an educational event, and to promote the value of kindness.

At Home Recap Your Random Acts of Kindness

At dinnertime, talk about what you did or what you can do tomorrow as a random act of kindness. The more you share, the more acts of kindness you will think of.

Then do the STRETCH and have your random acts of kindness really sink in…

You can even jot down what you did and what you can do tomorrow using the cause and effect graphic organizer forms from Ten Minutes to Better Study Skills. Write down what you did and what happened when you did it. This is a great way to really see the impact of your random act of kindness and improve your writing skills too!

Remember: What comes around, goes around. Random Acts of Kindness are highly contagious.

Random Acts of Kindness

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