Learning Challenges for Children with ADHD and How to Overcome Them
January 5th, 2013ADHD? Dr. Rory Stern from Help Your ADHD Child Succeed is sponsoring a FREE Webinar:
Learning Challenges for Children with ADHD and How to Overcome Them
Space is limited.
Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 2013
10am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, noon Central, and 1 pm Eastern.
A recording will be available to those who register!
Dr. Rory Stern is sponsoring Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET, America’s Leading Learning Specialist in a no-cost no-obligation private training webinar revealing for the first time what you as a parent should know about learning and learning challenges for kids with attention deficit disorder and how you can help them overcome the challenges.
Whether you child has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder or hasn’t been diagnosed you will get some great information on what learning challenges your child may have as well as what specific things you can do about the learning challenges.
Children with attention deficit disorder often have learning challenges that are never addressed because everyone just ‘chalks’ it up to the fact that they have ADD, never realizing that something else may be interfering and even making the ADD worse. During this webinar, Bonnie Terry will discuss how we learn and what interferes with learning and simple steps you can take to improve not only the learning skills but also lessen the impact of ADHD .
On the webinar Bonnie will reveal:
- How We Learn
- What Can Interfere With Learning
- How to Address Learning Problems in Minutes a Day
- Specific Activities You Can Implement Today to Make Learning Easier Even if Your Child has ADD with or without hyperactivity
Bonnie will also take you through a simulation so you can see for yourself how simple tips can make learning easier.
The recording of the webinar will be available to those who register for the webinar.
Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 2013
10am Pacific, 11 am Mountain, noon Central, and 1 pm Eastern.
Bonnie will go into an overview of how we learn — this is instrumental to making learning easier. Whether you are gifted, average, have dyslexia, a learning disability, attention deficit problems, or asperger’s syndrome, we all learn is a specific way. And there are specific areas in each category of learning that can interfere with learning. We call this the underlying root cause of learning problems. Knowing the underlying root cause of learning problems is the first step to making learning easier for you son or daughter. And there are specific solutions to address the underlying root cause of learning problems. Bonnie will share several solutions on the webinar.
So, join Bonnie Terry, America’s learning learning specialist, and find out what you can do in just 20 minutes a day to boost your child’s reading, writing, study, and overall learning skills and have quality time at the same time. Some of the activities can be done in as little as 5 minutes and you still improve learning skills! And the whole family can do some of the activities together too.
You will learn what you can do in the next 24 hours that will improve learning skills even if they have attention deficit disorder.
Bonnie Terry, America’s leading learning expert, has been teaching for over 37 years and has created numerous books, games, and guides to help students reach their full potential. She specializes in helping parents and teachers identify and address learning problems. Bonnie is also a contributing author to numerous educational journals and magazines. Bonnie, mom to 3, was a girl scout leader for 10 years, a cub scout leader and assistant cub master for 8 years, and boy scout troop committee chairman for 5 years.
You can improve your child’s learning skills and the impact of ADHD.