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Learning Reading, Dyslexia, ADHD, Homework Help Webinar

January 19th, 2011

What the Schools Don’t Tell You

That You Need To Know to Give

Your Kids a Learning Advantage

Even if They Struggle with Learning

Reading, Dyslexia, or ADHD

You will learn how to give your child a learning advantage even if they have dyslexia, struggle with learning reading, have ADHD, or take too long to do their homework.

You will learn: 1. The Cone of Learning 2. The 5-step formula to give your child a learning advantage 3. The 3 ways we learn and how to access the ‘sweet spot’ of learning reading, writing, and math 4. Specific tips to gain greater access to the brain, making your brain and your child’s brain learn more quickly 5. Activities to implement tomorrow

2 Responses to “Learning Reading, Dyslexia, ADHD, Homework Help Webinar”

  1. Ajay Singh says:

    I hope there is a recording of this

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