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‘reading comprehension’ Blog Posts

Helping Students Who Struggle to Write: Classroom Compensations

April 14th, 2009 2009-04-14T18:46:12-07:00 2009-04-14T18:46:12-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

LD Online just posted this interesting article from Educational Therapist Regina Richards. I thought you would enjoy it. By: Regina G. Richards (2008) I shake myself to stop daydreaming…Writing is definitely the worst task of all. It was just way too hard to remember all the things I need, like periods and capital letters. And […]

Question about The Comprehension Zone Game: Reading Comprehension

March 30th, 2009 2015-01-24T00:58:25-08:00 2009-03-30T06:51:27-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Hi Bonnie, I’d like to place an order for a product of yours, but I have not been able to locate any age or grade range for any of the items.  Can you tell me for whom the Comprehension Zone is appropriate? Thanks, Susan Taber Hi Susan, The Comprehension Zone can be used from 2nd […]

Do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the LD Screening Tool? And/or how have you validated it?

March 10th, 2009 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00 2009-03-10T12:23:39-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Laura Doto writes, “Also, do you have reliability data that you used to “test” the tool? And/or how have you validated it?” I have informally validated the Learning Difficulty/Disability Pre-Screening Tool and Informal Comprehensive Identification Tool over my 35+ years of assessing students by the correlation of it to the following formal testing that was […]

Is Reading and Writing Critical to Learning Anymore?

February 17th, 2009 2009-02-17T15:19:50-08:00 2009-02-17T15:19:50-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

I just started reading a book that was written in 1940 about reading. One of the very interesting comments it makes is “there is some feeling nowadays that reading is not as necessary as it once was.” This statement was made in 1940! How many of us think that is the current situation? After all, we have video, ipods, computers, and televisions that have taken over many of the functions of books, newspapers, and journals. What often happens then is that people don’t have to actually ‘make up their minds’ about anything, instead they can just take the opinions of others without having to actually think…

3 Simple Steps Done Regularly = Success in Reading

January 29th, 2009 2015-01-24T01:21:42-08:00 2009-01-29T20:23:01-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

I was in a business class yesterday and this quote was discussed regarding business. The conduct of successful business merely consists in doing things in a very simple way, doing them regularly, and never neglecting to do them. Quoted by: William Lever of Lever Brothers Think about this. Isn’t this also true of reading, whether […]

Trouble Understanding What You Read? Part Two: The Game Solution

December 9th, 2008 2015-01-24T01:21:42-08:00 2008-12-09T16:45:40-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

There is another solution to this that I use along with the Ten Minutes to Better Studying Skills. This solution can also be used very effectively at home, with a tutor, in a resource classroom, or in an elementary, middle school, or high school class. I have learned from years of experience and research that […]

Trouble Understanding What You Read? Part One

December 9th, 2008 2015-02-04T23:45:03-08:00 2008-12-09T16:11:26-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

But what about an answer if the reading problem is #3 (lack of language or vocabulary)? Writes J. K. Remember, there are 3 roadblocks to reading success. The third problem, lack of vocabulary or language can be addressed in a variety of ways. First, a recap on the 3 roadblocks: 3 Most Common Reading Roadblocks (whether your […]

Easy Ways to Improve Reading Comprehension & Actually Utilize What You Read

September 17th, 2008 2016-03-22T08:46:36-07:00 2008-09-17T19:22:13-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Every time my students read, I ask them an important question. Is what you read informational (expository) or did it have a beginning, middle, and an end (narrative)? From their answer I give them a fill-in-the-blank graphic organizer form that they can use to take notes from the passage they read.(See Ten Minutes to Better […]

Bridge Isolated Reading Skills – Phonics & Fluency Skills To Real Life Reading

September 2nd, 2008 2015-01-24T00:58:24-08:00 2008-09-02T12:31:18-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Bridge Isolated Skills To Real Life Reading Bridging the isolated reading skill to real life situations can be accomplished in a rather painless way. Use the Five Minutes to Better Reading Skills program. It is also practicing rapid naming in addition to visual closure, visual tracking, and phonemic awareness. Third, immediately following this exercise [Five […]

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