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‘improve writing skills’ Blog Posts

improve writing skills, how to write a paragraph

How to Write a Paragraph With Ease

March 17th, 2016 2016-03-17T13:17:55-07:00 2016-03-17T01:37:29-07:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry

Often teachers presume their students know how to write a paragraph. They assign them to write a paragraph either in the classroom or at home and expect them to know how to do it. This makes paragraph writing difficult. Without specific instruction taught repeatedly, students do NOT typically know how to write a paragraph. Mastering any type of writing needs both practice and review, including review of the step-by-step instructions.

Complimentary Webinar — Improve Writing Skills in Just Minutes a Day (for students of all ages)

January 30th, 2016 2016-03-16T22:19:50-07:00 2016-01-30T22:27:20-08:00 Bonnie Terry Bonnie Terry Learning Bonnie TerryBonnie Terry is hosting a complimentary webinar to help every student improve their writing skills. Did you know that 73% of eighth and 12th graders are NOT proficient in writing? Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET is sharing five techniques to improve writing skills in just minutes a day in this complimentary webinar on Feb 9th at 5pm [...]

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