The Math Zone
Price: $12.00
STRUGGLING with math?
CHALLENGED with math accuracy?
FRUSTRATED with math?
1. IMPROVE math accuracy
2. UNDERSTAND how math processes work (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
3. LEARN what halving numbers means
4. LEARN what doubling numbers means
5. WATCH your child’s grades soar
“The Math Zone is an exciting and fun way for any age group to learn and practice basic math skills. The game can be played for extended periods of time or in short intervals if time is limited.” Linda Foster
Includes Two Decks:
7-9 years & 9 years-adult
81 playing cards plus directions.
Demolish the Roadblocks to Math Success and Become Your Child’s Math Guru
Turn your child into a competent and successful math student
How can you help your child learn to enjoy math?
One of the easiest ways to help your child learn is to play with them. Remember, you are your child’s first teacher. When you play or interact with your child, doing things you enjoy doing, your child will tend naturally to like and enjoy the same things.
Even if you do not particularly like math yourself, you know math is important for your child to learn. You want your child to feel confident about their ability to learn math even if math was not your favorite subject in school. Your attitude toward math will have an effect on your child and you want your child to have a good feeling about math so they may actually end up liking it.
When I was in the primary grades I did OK in math, but once I got into 4th grade I dreaded math. Thank goodness my dad was home at night to help me with my math homework! One day he told me “Bonnie, math is just like a game.” We started playing math games and the more we played games, the quicker I got at getting my homework done, and the better I got with math.
When my students started to learn how to multiply and divide they really hated doing their math worksheets. I decided to make a math game similar to the one I played with my dad so my students could get real math calculation practice in a game format.
I created The Math Zone, a card game that builds math skills. My students enjoyed playing this game and actually did as many or more problems than they would have done with a worksheet. The difference was, they were having fun while doing math!
In fact, they were anxious to get to the higher level of play in the game, solving more difficult calculations because they would get a lot more points for playing with the higher level cards. Before you knew it, they were actually enjoying math and getting really good at it!
The Math Zone is a solution to the first 2 roadblocks to math success: memory and math concepts. It also covers the math content standards for computation skills.
Suzanne Churchman states, “A child’s math skills are also greatly enhanced by using math during everyday activities. Parents can provide these experiences.”
Don’t spend another evening full of whining and complaining about how hard math is, become your child’s math tutor, play The Math Zone, and let your child discover that math really is just a game!
The Math Zone is a clever new way to drill arithmetic that goes beyond simply completing math problems or flipping flash cards. The game can be played with one level or two levels of difficulty at the same time.
Another enjoyable, interesting, and exciting game from Bonnie Terry Learning, this one meets several needs of the home schooling family. It includes materials that cover a wide age and interest range, supply real learning opportunities, and make learning really fun!
The Math Zone builds basic math skills while students have fun! Watch your math grades soar as you practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division in ways you never have before! Students learn math facts as their point totals grow and shrink.
The Math Zone
Price: $12.00
Bonus Videos Include:
VIDEO #1. Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET shows you step-by-step how to play The Math Zone
VIDEO #2. A family playing The Math Zone
VIDEO #3. Step-by-step How To Video:
How to Multiply with Double Digit or Triple Digit Numbers
and How to Do Long Division with Ease
As with all Bonnie Terry Learning Products, The Math Zone comes with a 60 Day Money Back No Questions Asked Guarantee.