Bonnie Terry’s Summer Reading Program improves reading speed/fluency, accuracy, and comprehension while having fun.
Your child will become a more fluent and confident reader using a research-based program in just minutes a day. Children will build solid phonics, word attack, and spelling skills. They will learn strategies that improve their comprehension skills.
They will also learn strategies to improve executive function (planning) skills. Additionally, they will learn and do quick physical activities that balance their brain and body which ultimately makes reading easier. The neurological processes that are responsible for precise control of the body in three-dimensional space have a profound effect on the timing and efficiency of the brain. This timing and efficiency directly impact your ability to read confidently and accurately with comprehension.
Reading becomes easier. Comprehension improves. Spelling improves.
What Parents Say About Our Video Lessons
My son’s reading skills have gone up tremendously. I can’t believe we saw progress in three days, just like you told me I would! You know, I’ve been homeschooling my son for 4 years and he had never picked up a book to read on his own. It was such a struggle to get him to want to read. I have to tell you, three weeks after working with the video lessons, we went to the library, and my son actually picked out 3 chapter books to read. In fact, he wouldn’t put the first book down until he finished it.
Lisa Kline
The videos made all the difference in the world. The spelling videos showed me step by step the structure. You really made spelling easy for my kids. I just keep working with the video, the spelling, the way you explain it, they watch it over and over. It really sinks in. Your materials help build their self-esteem up. They’re short quick activities. You can get so much done in half an hour.
Regina Adams
This is a 6-week program for 1st through 8th grades.This is a specially designed summer reading program for those with dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADHD, are in the autism spectrum, struggling readers, gifted and take too long to do their homework, and those that want a reading boost over the summer.
Your instructor will be Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET. She is a board-certified educational therapist with over 37 years experience.
Upon registration, you will select your summer session as well as give us your child’s grade level and reading level so we can provide you with tailor-made reading selections.
Each week you will receive:
Weekly Calendar
Executive Function Lesson
Reading Fluency Lesson
Spelling Lesson (Also boosts Auditory and Visual Processing Skills)
Reading Comprehension Lesson (week 2 – 6 tailored to your child’s reading level)
Brain Balance Integration Lesson