Board Certified Educational Therapist Bonnie Terry is a frequent guest on
FOX Morning News in Sacramento…
And, many of you know Bonnie as the author of educational materials for improving reading, writing, spelling, English, and math skills. And many of you use them very successfully!
What Other Educational Therapists Say…
“With your program I can work on fluency skills even when a child can’t read a full passage. He can sound out your words and feel successful. He has things going on. With the success he has, he just blossoms.”
Vanessa Silver, MS, BCET
What Other Education Experts Say…
“Using the Bonnie Terry Reading Pack & Writing Pack with kids with learning difficulties, especially with mild to moderate problems, can go a great way towards reducing lack of self-esteem because the continued and spaced practice is very strong. The self-esteem is built in without any artificial reward. It is intrinsic to the activity. You are doing concrete learning with the Bonnie Terry Learning System. Reading, writing, spelling, study skills, and math are all addressed.”
Dr. Nancy Richards, Specialization in Methods of Teaching and Learning
Bonnie is offering you her sampler book as well as several bonus videos as a professional courtesy…
To get your complimentary sampler book and two bonus videos, just enter your name and email.
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