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Back to School Supplies

Today I’m sharing school supplies you’ll want to have on hand for a successful school year.






The best ‘Cheat Sheets’ for math assignments and writing assignments:

3rd – 6th grade

  1. pencils
  2. erasable pens
  3. markers
  4. colored pencils
  5. crayons
  6. chalks
  7. pencil sharpener
  8. erasers
  9. glue (bottle & stick)
  10. tape
  11. highlighter tape
  12. ruler
  13. notebook paper
  14. plain paper (typing or computer)
  15. construction paper (variety of colors)
  16. stapler
  17. hole punch
  18. scissors
  19. paper clips
  20. folders for reports
  21. dictionary
  22. atlas (student-friendly)
  23. thesaurus
  24. Writer’s Easy Reference Guide
  25. BT Easy Math Reference Guide

Bonnie Terry, M. Ed., BCET
America’s Leading Learning Expert

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